Publish for Comment: Proposed Breed Standard Amendments Re: Docking, Cropping and Dewclaw Removal
For several years tail docking, ear cropping and declaw removal has been a topic at the forefront of purebred dog discussions. The declarations by various provincial veterinary regulators that practitioners within their jurisdiction can no longer provide these services has sparked some angst for many active CKC members. At the same time, legislative and societal changes provides a need to accommodate those that chose not to crop, dock or remove dewclaws, many of whom wish to participate in CKC events. It is about providing options.
The CKC is reaching to breeders and owners of those breeds that do not have a national breed club to solicit your feedback on proposed changes to docking, cropping and dewclaw removal.
Re: Norwich Terrier
To review the amendment details and provide us with your comments, simply login with your membership number and go to Membership Services/Publish for Comment.
You can also have the proposed amendments mailed to you. Please call 1-800-250-8040 toll-free to order your copy today.
The deadline for comments is March 28, 2016