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Moving Forward with the IT4You Project

Thank you to all our members who provided input during the requirements-gathering phase of the CKC IT4You Project in 2015. Your feedback is critical in helping us find the right solution and vendor as we move forward in the next phase of the Project.
Most recently, the IT4You Committee initiated a formalized process to solicit potential vendors to respond to our Request for Information (RFI). The RFI asked vendors a series of high-level questions that will help us determine if a vendor and their software solution are a good fit for our needs. Some of the high-level requirements include English and French language support, faster show results, online scheduling of events, expanded on-line transactions capabilities, an online store, and user dashboards.
We are pleased to report that our RFI received incredible responses from a wide range of companies, from Fortune 1000 corporations to medium and smaller product-specific implementation specialist organizations. These responses included a variety of proposed technologies for on-site, cloud-based and hybrid solutions to address the full range of needs of the Project.  
The next steps for the IT4You Committee will be to evaluate the RFI respondents and select a short list of potential vendors before moving to the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage. Stay tuned for more details as the Project progresses.
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