Despite a move to ban the ear cropping and tail docking of dogs by
l’Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ), effective January 1, 2017, the Canadian Kennel Club continues to support member breeders who choose such procedures and veterinarians who are still able to provide this service.
Since news of the impending ban broke, CKC has been speaking with media to provide clarification and to reaffirm CKC’s position: freedom of choice.
While none of the 175 Canadian Kennel Club breed standards require that a dog have cropped ears, we continue to support breeders whose breeds have traditionally been cropped and docked and encourage continued choice for veterinarians to provide these services to individuals seeking them.
Our Club does not believe that a ban on ear cropping and tail docking will stop the practice because these services continue to be available in other countries, including the United States. Choosing to obtain such services through veterinary professionals will guarantee they are performed under the most humane of circumstances and, as is the case with tail docking, consistent with similar practices in the livestock industry.
CKC is attentive to changing societal values with respect to purebred dogs and affirms that ear cropping and tail docking are a significant part of the history of many breeds. Breeders continue this practice for historical reasons but primarily due to safety concerns with working dogs.
“This new ban gravely impacts many of our member breeders and the future of their breeds,” says Linda St-Hilaire, CKC Board Director of Quebec. “I fully support our members’ right to choose these procedures and have access to professionals that can humanely perform such procedures. On behalf of our members, I will continue to speak out in favour of freedom of choice, for the safety of purebred dogs.”