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Notice To Professional Show Services & Clubs Re: Show Superintendents

Please note that the following motion was passed by the Board at its meeting in December 2016:
“THAT, the Policy & Procedures Manual, Chapter VI, be amended by adding a new section to read as
Z.   Role, Duty & Powers of the Show Superintendent
1.   By definition, the Show Superintendent is in charge of the show (CSR Sec 5.1.2)
2.   He takes direction from the Show Committee to guarantee the enforcement of all rules & regulations.
3.   He must be familiar with all Conformation Show Rules & Regulations (CSR) and be able to answer questions on them from judges & exhibitors.
4.   He should be on the site a minimum of 1 hour prior to the start of judging until 30 minutes after the completion of all judging, in order to accept any protest or complaint lodged under chapters 17 & 18.  If he must leave the show site during the show, a responsible replacement must be appointed.
5.   The Superintendent should make himself known to all the judges and inform them that he is the person to whom they should address any question.
6.   The Superintendent must never attempt to discourage the lodging of any complaint or protest.
7.   Specific references from Conformation Show Rules & Regulations (CSR):
  • weighing dogs at request of judge (CSR Sec 4.6.1)
  • is in charge of the show (CSR Sec 5.1.2)
  • enforcement of all rules & regulations.  Must have up to date rule book on site (CSR Sec 5.1.3)
  • removal of dog that bites or attempts to bite (CSR Sec 5.1.4)
  • removal of any person acting in an objectionable manner (CSR Sec 5.1.6)
  • may not be a judge at the show (CSR Sec 5.1.7)
  • must be a regular member in good standing with CKC (CSR Sec 5.1.8)
  • may not handle dogs at the show (CSR Sec 5.1.9)
  • shall file a report to CKC upon serious injury to, or death of, a dog due to negligence or misconduct (CSR Sec 5.1.10)
  • Amend errors on a judging sheet (CSR Sec 6.2.6)
  • removal of any person engaged in double handling (CSR Sec 9.4)
  • power to direct agent/owner to remove dog from crate of inadequate size (CSR Sec 9.7)
  • submit report to CKC regarding any hearing held regarding unsportsmanlike conduct (CSR Sec 11.5)
  • may excuse dog or exhibitor prior to official time of closing (CSR Sec 14.2.3)
  • endorse a veterinary permit for the removal of a dog due to illness (CSR Sec 14.2.5)
  • receive protest against a dog, before closing of show (CSR Sec 17.1)
  • receive complaint against person regarding rules & regulations, within 15 minutes of completion of judging (CSR Sec 18.2)
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