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Ontario Students Invited to Enter Art Competition to Promote Rare Dandie Dinmont

This year the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada (DDTC) is holding a student art competition to encourage students to learn about this noble and vulnerable breed. Did dandie.jpgyou know only 15 Dandies were born in Canada in 2015?

The competition is open to any student in Ontario and will be divided into three groups:  Grades 1 – 5, Grades 6 – 8, Grades 9 – 12. There is $800 total prize money, including $200 for art supplies to the art teacher of the overall winner.  Each winner will receive a cash prize, a rosette, a certificate and more!
All artwork must be either mailed or hand-delivered to PawsWay in Toronto no later than July 29 2016.  The envelope should clearly state Dandie Dinmont Art Competition.  Art competition rules, prizes and awards can be viewed here.
If you are up for the challenge, fill out the art competition entry form and have your submission exhibited at PawsWay, on Saturday September 10th, 2016 in conjunction with the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada’s Specialty dog show. 

All entrants are encouraged to attend this event with their families, not only to view the artwork but to meet the Dandie Dinmont in their “cuddling parlour.” 

If you have any questions, please contact the DDTC at [email protected] and visit their website for more information.

Join their Facebook group now and stay up to date with the DDTC latest news and activities.

 (Photo courtesy of Mike MacBeth)
AccueilHome > News > 2016 > April > Ontario Students Invited to Enter Art Competition to Promote Rare Dandie Dinmont