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CKC Supports Freedom of Choice Regarding Ear Cropping

Following recent changes to the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia bylaws, banning the ear cropping of dogs, CKC has participated in several media inquiries with the assistance of local subject-matter experts and members—resulting in substantial print and broadcast coverage—to correct misunderstandings and to reaffirm CKC’s position: freedom of choice.

While none of the 175 Canadian Kennel Club breed standards require that a dog have cropped ears, we believe that breeders deserve the right to choose this procedure and support those veterinarians still able to provide the service. Choosing to obtain such services through veterinary professionals will guarantee they are performed under the most humane of circumstances and consistent with similar practices in the livestock industry.

CKC is attentive to changing societal values with respect to purebred dogs and affirms that docked tails are a significant part of the history of many breeds. Breeders continue this practice for historical reasons but primarily due to safety concerns with working dogs. The Canadian Kennel Club supports breeders whose breeds have traditionally been docked.

Our Club does not believe that a ban on ear cropping will stop the practice because these services continue to be available in other countries including the United States.

CKC supports the Canadian veterinary community and encourages continued choice for the veterinary practitioner to provide these services to those individuals seeking them.
AccueilHome > News > 2015 > November > CKC Supports Freedom of Choice Regarding Ear Cropping