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Notice To Conformation Clubs Re: Conformation Show Rules Policies and Procedures, and Recording Fee Increase

At the December 2015 Board Meeting, several motions were passed that affect Shows and Trials. These motions are listed below for your reference.
"THAT, effective January 1, 2016 Shows and Trials Appendix #2 - Mileage Restrictions be amended to read as follows:
Conformation Shows .................................................250 miles / 402.0 kilometers
Conformation Shows (Prairie Provinces)....................350 miles / 562.8 kilometers
Conformation Shows ..................................................350 miles / 562.8 kilometers."
(Shows currently that are held on the same weekend within 350 miles / 562.8 kilometers, but over 250 miles / 402 kilometers of each other will be ‘grandfathered’ until such time as the affected Club elect to find new dates.)
"THAT, effective January 1, 2016 the Policy and Procedures Manual be amended to read as follows:
Chapter V. Shows & Trials
     G. Priority Dates / Priority Rights
          4. Granting of Available Priority Rights/Priority Dates
b) (2) (a) If more than one application is received, priority rights to the dates shall be granted to the qualified applicant that has been holding Canadian Kennel Club events for the longest time.
b) (2) (a) When two clubs holding a Conformation Show on the same date apply for an available date, priority will be given to the club that has been holding CKC events for the longest time.

 “THAT, effective immediately the Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter 6, Shows & Trials, be amended as follows:
  1. Judging schedules must be available to exhibitors a minimum of six (6) days prior to the first day of the event.  Secretaries must post this information on-line or, when necessary, mail so that exhibitors are aware of the schedule.
“THAT, the Conformation Show Rules & Regulations, Chapter 8.5.8 be amended
 effective January 1, 2018 to read as follows:
8           ENTRIES & END OF SHOW
8.5        Acceptance of Entries
8.5.8      In case of a judge change (substitute or overload), an exhibitor may enter a dog under the replacement judge providing that the dog is entered in one of the regular classes of a show being held at the same venue by the same club and has been assigned a competition number.  A new entry, along with accompanying fees, will be accepted by the Show Secretary up to one hour prior to the start of the show (see sections 3.3.1, 3.5.1 and 8.5.4).”
“THAT, the Conformation Show Rules & Regulations, Chapter 8.9.1 be amended
 effective January 1, 2018 to read as follows:
8           ENTRIES & END OF SHOW
8.9        Moving a Dog To Specials
8.9.1    A dog that is registered in the records of the CKC or that has a Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN) and has completed the requirements for a championship in accordance with these rules but at the time of the closing of entries for show has not received confirmation of the title, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to Specials Only providing the transfer is submitted to the Show Secretary in writing by the owner or handler at least one hour prior to breed judging the opening of the show.”
Please also note that Recording Fees will be changing effective February 1, 2016 as follows:
Per entry per event where the total entry is 125 dogs and under          $4.60 to $4.70
Per entry per event where total entry is 126 dogs and over      $5.90 to $6.00

AccueilHome > News > 2015 > December > Notice To Conformation Clubs Re: Conformation Show Rules Policies and Procedures, and Recording Fee