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Notice To CKC Conformation Judges Re: Policy and Procedures Changes

At the December 2015 Board Meeting, several motions were passed that affect Shows and Trials. These motions are listed below for your reference.
B.   Applicant Conformation Judges
8.   Licensing Maintenance for All-Breed, Groups and Breed Judges

c)   Licensed judges are encouraged and expected to engage in a self-directed program of professional  development.  Recognizing that a judge has a commitment to on-going education, all judges will maintain an educational portfolio with appropriate documentation and/or certification.  This portfolio will be reviewed and approved by The Canadian Kennel Club at the end of each five (5) year cycle.


[Board Motion #25-12-12]

Should a judge fail to meet these requirements, the judge’s license will be held in abeyance until such time that the requirement is met.
(1)  In each five (5) year cycle, a judge must meet one of the requirements as outlined in each of the two (2) categories:
 Category A
 (iv)     Participate in a minimum of ten (10) seminars organized by judges study groups and/or breed clubs.
          These seminars can be breed specific or of a general judging related topic.”
B.   Applicant Conformation Judge
10.   New Breeds
d)   When a new breed is approved by the Board, conformation judges will be provided with a 6 month period to write an Open Book Test for that breed, after which, an administrative fee as set by the Board will be implemented.”

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