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Missed the 2015 CKC AGM? Now You Can Watch it Online.

With 70 attendees, it was a packed house at this year’s Annual General Meeting, hosted for the first time at the Ontario Veterinarian College (OVC), University of Guelph, on Saturday, March 21. We realize how significant this event is for our members and for the first time, we offer those who were unable to attend the chance to view the AGM online.

From your home computer or any mobile device, you can now catch CKC Chair, Bob Rowbotham's presentation and Lance Novak's Executive Director's Report, in addition to the presentation of the 2014 audited financial statements by Marcus Sconci, auditor, BDO, LLP and a report on the Election Commission by Robert Wilkes of BDO Canada, LLP.  

The video also includes talks by the OVC Chair, Dr. Elizabeth Stone, who discussed OVC initiatives in progress and Dr. Brian Wilcock, who spoke about the impact of breed standards, dog shows, and breeding practices in general, on the genetic health of the entire dog population.

We would like to thank all of our clubs and members and affiliates who made the trip to join us at the AGM, and a special thanks to our host OVC for their hospitality. Watch the entire 2015 AGM here.
AccueilHome > News > 2015 > April > Missed the 2015 CKC AGM? Now You Can Watch it Online.