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Rules of Eligibility Referendum Update

The upcoming Referendum offers CKC members the opportunity to review and vote on the acceptance of the first seven “Rules of Eligibility” (ROE).

The Animal Pedigree Act requires the CKC to establish “Rules of Eligibility” (ROE) for the dogs it registers. ROE provide the criteria for eligibility of dogs for registration and the criteria for certification of dogs as purebred – the ROE are not to be confused with the much more extensive breed standards which describes a ‘standard of perfection’ for the show ring.

CKC has worked with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada to establish ROE for a limited number of breeds (seven) as a pilot project. ROE, under the Act, define at the most basic level, distinguishing characteristics for the breed. Through this process, the CKC has relied upon the breed clubs whose invaluable assistance has led to a successful consultation with active breeders. Active breeders of the seven breeds in this pilot project have voted in favour of the proposed ROE by more than a 2/3 majority in all cases.

In light of misinformation that has been circulating, CKC would like to confirm the following:

• Puppies will not be individually “evaluated”.
• Breeders will confirm on their litter application that the sire and dam are verified parents and meet the Rules of Eligibility.
• An “incorrect ear set” would not result in disqualifying a breeder as a CKC member.
• The requirements to establish ROE are not a decision of CKC staff or the Board of Directors.
• The process for recognition of new breeds in Canada will not be permitted until the satisfactory completion of this pilot phase for ROE.

The experience from the establishment of ROE during this pilot will be used to determine how best to proceed with other breeds. CKC members may rest assured that as we move forward to include other breeds, we will rely on the breed clubs and the input of active breeders for their expertise because after all, they are the experts when it comes to their breeds.

CKC wishes to thank the national clubs and active breeders for their thoughtful work and collaboration that went into the development of these Rules of Eligibility and asks you to consider this information carefully when you vote.

For additional information, please review our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have further questions or concerns, please send an email to [email protected].

For further information and to access the entire election and referendum package, including details on how to vote online, click here.

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