On June 20, the Board of Directors and CKC staff met with the Director, Animal Industry Division from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The presentation included options under consideration for the future of the Animal Pedigree Act (APA) with a request for feedback from the CKC."/> On June 20, the Board of Directors and CKC staff met with the Director, Animal Industry Division from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The presentation included options under consideration for the future of the Animal Pedigree Act (APA) with a request for feedback from the CKC."/>

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Update Re: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Review of the Animal Pedigree Act

On June 20, the Board of Directors and CKC staff met with the Director, Animal Industry Division from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The presentation included options under consideration for the future of the Animal Pedigree Act (APA) with a request for feedback from the CKC.

The meeting was part of a consultation process led by AAFC to engage with stakeholders, nationwide, who fall under the Act. The CKC is one of a large group of associations incorporated under the Act whose main purpose is to promote breed improvement and to protect persons who raise and purchase animals. The APA provides a legal framework for the operation of the breed registries, including registration and certification of pedigrees for both distinct and evolving breeds. It also provides exclusive authority to represent breeders within Canada and promotes buyer/seller protections. The changes to the Act being examined range from amendments through full repeal of the Act.

CKC welcomed the opportunity to provide input to the process and remained firm to its position that:

1. The CKC strongly supports the continued existence of the Animal Pedigree Act.

2. The CKC strongly supports the continued existence of the CKC as an animal pedigree association under the Act, operating as the purebred dog registry for the breeds that it now represents and other breeds.

3. The CKC does, however, support amendments to the Animal Pedigree Act that will have the benefits of streamlining the administration of the Act for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and improving flexibility for animal pedigree associations.

To that end, as AAFC moves forward in finalizing its plan, the CKC wishes to be part of any further discussions with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada about such amendments. Click here to view the CKC correspondence letter sent as a summary of the meeting. AAFC has recently concluded its consultation process and is moving to the creation of a summary report including any recommendations for next steps. CKC is monitoring progress closely and is committed to keeping the membership appraised of developments.

AccueilHome > News > 2014 > August > Update Re: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Review of the Animal Pedigree Act