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2020 Top Show Dogs

Full Results PDF

Canada’s Top Show Dog for 2020 is Bo, a Siberian Husky bred by Kim Ramey-Leblanc.

Right from the start Bo showed that he had the conformation many dog fanciers only dream of, winning big at his first show when he was just a puppy. Bo’s success continued, being handled by Kim as well as Colin Brownlee, ultimately claiming the #1 spot!
We caught up with the owners of Canada’s Top Show Dogs to find out when they got started in dog shows, what motivates them, who mentored them, and more! 

#1 – GCh. Snowmist’s Bodacious

Call Name: Bo
Siberian Husky
Breeder/Owner: Kim Ramey-Leblanc
Handlers: Breeder/owner-handled by Kim Ramey-Leblanc and professionally handled by Colin Brownlee
Interview with Kim Ramey-Leblanc
How long have you been showing dogs? Since 1973.
Who are/were your mentors? Oh wow! There have been many but my Mom, Beryl Ramey, was one of the best sounding boards and my partner for many years.
When and where did Bo first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? July 2014 at the Chateauguay shows as a baby puppy. Bo won the Siberian Husky Club of Canada National Specialty Puppy Sweepstakes from the 3-6 Month Baby Puppy class at his very first set of shows so, yes, he showed tremendous potential!
What motivates you to continue showing dogs? I love the planning involved in breeding dogs. I enjoy the anticipation of new puppies and all the potential they represent. Showing those puppies and young dogs is the icing on the cake for my breeding program. Going to shows means spending time with friends and talking about my favourite topic “DOGS”. I am passionate about dogs in general and dog shows give me an outlet for that passion.
What does Bo love to do when not showing? He loves to lounge on top of his dog house and survey his domain when he is not romping in the yard with his kennelmates.

(Photo credit: Wendy Reyn)

#2 – GChEx. AmGCh. Rivermist Broxden Magnuttic FDJ CGN

Call Name: Arthur
Brittany Spaniel
Breeders: Allyson Godfroid, Amy Booth & Phil Booth
Owners: Craig & Diane Storey
Handler: Emily Burdon
Interview with Craig Storey

How long have you been showing dogs? Arthur is our first show dog. We started showing him at six months of age, so 2-1/2 years.
Who are/were your mentors? Allyson Godfroid and the handlers he has had since starting  CJ Dyment, Monica Park, Ashley Martins and Emily Burdon.

When and where did Arthur first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? September 2018 at Oakville and District Kennel Club. Yes, Arthur showed early potential. He gained his championship by placing in a competitive Sporting Group, as there was none to very few class Brittanys showing at the time.

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? The thrill of competition. I have always been involved with competitive sports. This is just a little different.

What does Arthur love to do when not showing? His daily off-leash exercise in the country, agility, and singing along with his favourite songs.
(Photo credit: Wendy Reyn)
#3 – GCh. Timberline’s Dust Bowl Dance

Call Name: Archie
German Shepherd Dog
Breeders: Julie, Tony & Colleen Vandendool
Owners: Tony & Julie Vandendool
Handler: Tony Vandendool 
Interview with Julie Vandendool
How long have you been showing dogs? 28 years.

When and where did Archie first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? Archie started showing as a puppy at a few all-breed shows and quickly attained his CKC championship at a young age. That same year he won his regional Futurity under breeder-judge Marilyn Smith and went on to compete at the GSDCC Nationals. Archie ended up going Futurity Victor at 14 months of age under breeder-judge Dr. Morton Goldfarb.

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? For the love of the sport. It’s always a joy to be able to exhibit your breeding stock to the fancy. Having other judges recognize the dogs in your breeding program is always a tremendous honour. 
What does Archie love to do when not showing? Archie loves running on his country property, always carrying his ball around.

(Photo credit: Dean Dennis)

#4 – GCh. Accolade's Black Caviar

Call Name: Cavi   
Airedale Terrier
Breeder/Owner/Handler: Pamela Bruce   
How long have you been showing dogs?  Since 1968.
Who are/were your mentors? Michael Canalizo, Carol Hollands, James Reynolds, Virginia Lyne to name a few.

When and where did Cavi first enter the show ring? Cavi finished her Canadian championship in short order as a puppy, with a BPIS award on her first weekend out. Her first show in the U.S. was at Montgomery County Terrier weekend where she won her puppy class. She returned the following year shown in the competitive Bred By Exhibitor class and finished her American title with all specialty majors.

Did Cavi show early potential? She had that 'it' factor from the start. Colin Brownlee and I then chose her as pick of the litter (of 10) at eight weeks of age  again because of that intrinsic spark that she has always demonstrated. 

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? The love of the dogs and my passion for this breed.  

What does Cavi love to do when not showing? Go for long walks, play ball, chase squirrels, and eat pizza.

(Photo credit: Kelly Wood)

#5 – GCh. Fleet St Forged at Hampton Court

Call Name: Pierce  
Wire Fox Terrier 
Breeders: Robert Carusi & Hailey Griffith 
Owners:  Nancy Ball, Peter Ziliotto, Barry Brabant, Robert Carusi & Hailey Griffith 
Handler: Hailey Griffith 
Interview with Nancy Ball
How long have you been showing dogs?  I was six weeks old at my first dog show. 
Who are/were your mentors? Since I was a child I was always watching and learning. I’ve had so many mentors in so many breeds. I am so grateful for anyone who has shared their knowledge and experience with me.
When and where did Pierce first enter the show ring? His first show was the puppy stakes held in conjunction with the Royal Canin show in Orlando. He was Best in Show!  
What motivates you to continue showing dogs? In deep competition when you can compare the fine details and breed specific attributes among dogs... and it’s actually close, that’s thrilling! 

What does Pierce love to do when not showing? Pierce loves going for walks to the beach and walking in the tide.  

(Photo credit: Wendy Reyn)

#6 – GCh. Ashbrook's Maverick From Shainakees

Call Name: Rowdy
Breeders: Rev. Ruthann Seibert & Suzette Lefebvre
Owners: Lynne Hewitt & Rev. Ruthann Seibert
Handler: Connie Krohn
Interview with Lynne Hewitt
How long have you been showing dogs? I have been showing dogs for 27 years!
Who are/were your mentors? I have had several different mentors over the years.  Most have been from the U.S., as Keeshond breeders in Canada are few and far between. Those that have helped me in the breed include Deb Tousey of Dreamwood Keeshonden of Wisconsin.
What motivates you to continue showing dogs? I think for me showing dogs and doing well in the show ring consistently is confirmation that you are doing something right either in your breeding program or the dogs that you have purchased.
What does Rowdy love to do when not showing? Rowdy is a sweet and goofy dog. When he is home at the farm he loves to run and run and run!

(Photo credit: Dean Dennis)

#7 – GCh. Hollyrood Cosmopollyton

Call Name: Polly
Scottish Deerhound
Breeders/Owners: Lynne Bruce & Heidi Gervais
Handler: Heidi Gervais
Interview with Lynne Bruce
How long have you been showing dogs? I have been breeding and exhibiting dogs for 45 years.

Who are/were your mentors? My mentor was M Eileen (Rusty) Kingery of Benachie Deerhounds fame.

When and where did Polly first enter the show ring? Polly was shown briefly from six to eight months, starting on Vancouver Island.

Did Polly show early potential? Yes, she did. She definitely had the conformation, but to be a great show dog you need to have the temperament. Deerhounds are not normally an exuberant breed. Polly was a crazy puppy and would jump around for joy. Heidi was a big part in letting her be herself and especially to have fun in the show ring. Heidi was a big part of making her the best show dog I have ever had.

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? Deerhounds are an endangered breed in North America and many other countries in the world. They can no longer be used for their original function so, unlike sporting dogs, there is no desire for people to own one to fulfill their original purpose. There are other similar sports that you can participate in with Deerhounds such as lure coursing, which gives people an idea of a hound's potential. I am interested in maintaining and preserving the breed for their original function so showing them is a way for Deerhounds to be in the public eye. I would hate to see them become extinct.

What does Polly love to do when not showing? When she is at Heidi's, her number-one thing is going to the beach and running with her friends, who can never catch up to her. When she is with me, she is on the lookout for squirrels or anything furry she can chase. She has a very high prey drive, which I value greatly.

#8 – GChEx. Esmonds God Of All CD RN

Call Name: Pan
Owners: Dawn Phillips & Ann Felske-Jackman
Handler: Lori-Ann Fischer
Breeders: Tammy Ausloos & Ann Felske-Jackman
Interview with Dawn Phillips    
How long have you been showing dogs? I have had my dogs shown by friends periodically since 2013. Pan is the first dog that I took into the conformation ring myself. I showed him for his puppy career and a few times as he was growing up.  
Who are/were your mentors? My breeders are amazing mentors and friends. They are so knowledgeable about the breed and are always willing to offer advice or to just listen. I don't know what I would do without them.
When and where did Pan first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? Pan was the first puppy I was able to show in Baby Puppy. He was entered in one show and ended up in the Best Baby Puppy in Show ring on his very first day! He then went on to show fairly regularly throughout his first year.  

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? I want my dogs to be able to reach their fullest potential. If they enjoy showing in conformation, we will do that. If they like performance, we will do that. If they prefer to stay home, we will do that! My goal is always to help them be successful at whatever they enjoy the most.
What does Pan love to do when not showing? Pan loves to do EVERYTHING. Swimming and dock diving are two of his most favourite things to do, but he also loves scent detection and obedience. Pan tackles everything with enthusiasm and joy, and is willing to try anything.  

#9 – GCh. Bonchien Lawless V Jet

Call Name:  Riot
Breeders/Owners: Susan Woodliffe & Kristen Henry
Handler: Terry Bernier Siborne
Interview with Susan Woodlife
How long have you been showing dogs? I got my first Schipperke in 1989 and was bitten by the show bug almost immediately. I have participated in many dog sports including obedience, herding, tracking, chase ability and agility, but conformation has been a constant passion for me for over 30 years.

Who are/were your mentors? My first Schipperke was bred by Margaret Street of Marpeg Kennels. Marg proved to be an excellent mentor who combined humour, practicality and a fierce love of the breed. Most recently, Kristen Henry of Bonchien Schipperkes (U.S.) and I have been working together, co-breeding and showing our Schipperkes.

When and where did Riot first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? Riot first stepped into the ring at six months of age. He did me proud by taking a Group 1st and a Best Puppy in Show, under esteemed Schipperke breeder-judge Carol Graham.

What motivates you to continue showing dogs? I take great pride in working hard to improve my chosen breed. It is a creative endeavour and the exhilaration of exhibiting a dog I have bred is like no other!

What does Riot love to do when not showing? Riot loves to run and delights in free time off leash in my well-fenced fields. He appreciates a good workout, trotting beside my bike. At the end of a long day, a cuddle on the couch is loved by both of us. I am thinking of trying chase ability and barn hunt with Riot in the upcoming months.

(Photo credit: Jumpstart Photography)

#10 – GCh. RedMoon's Sexy Son Of A Duck

Call Name: Woody
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Breeder/Owner: Kendyl Schultze
Handler: Chelby Marling
Interview with Kendyl Schultze
How long have you been showing dogs? I've been showing Tollers for 12 years now and breeding for 10.
Who are/were your mentors? I am fortunate enough to have many mentors, but my biggest mentor in Tollers is Linda Fitzmaurice. We bred many litters together and she taught me everything I know for the most part about the breed. For showing and grooming and other things, Elizabeth Jordan- Nelson and Laurie Fenner.
When and where did Woody first enter the show ring? Did he show early potential? Woody's first show was in Indio California at the Southern California Sporting Dog Specialty Show that was held in conjunction with the Palm Springs Kennel Club show. He won Best of Breed from the classes over top-ranked Specials for a 5-point major, won a Group 4th in a HUGE sweeps group, and a Bred By Group 2nd that night. He won Winners Dog and Best of Winners the next day for a 4-point major, and the next day went BEst of Breed from the classes again, leaving him only needing one point to finish his championship his first weekend out. I knew then he was going to be a star and my next Special.
What motivates you to continue showing dogs? A few things. One to better the breed and share my love of Tollers. Secondly, I love setting goals and aiming to get them and have to challenge myself to keep setting the bar higher and higher. 
What does Woody love to do when not showing? When Woody isn't showing he loves to hang out with his best buddy Chelby's daughter Laura! Those two are inseparable. He also loves to swim and retrieve birds, too. 

(Photo credit: Karen Evasuik)



