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CKC Breed Standards

The breed standard is the blueprint for the ideal specimen and includes size, weight, colour, coat, ear set, tail set, topline, feet, movement, temperament, structure, etc. A breed standard exists for each of the 187 breeds recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. According to their historic function, the CKC allocates each breed into one of seven groups.

A conformation dog show tests how closely a dog conforms to the breed standard. In essence, the various entries in a dog show, whether they are a Chihuahua, A Labrador Retriever or an Irish Wolfhound, are not competing against each other; they are in a contest with their own breed standard. The breed standard outlines the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed, and ensures that a dog can carry out its original purpose. Breeders and judges should be mindful to prioritize dogs that are healthy and sound in both mind and body.
Canine Terminology
Canine Terminology by Harold R. Spira published by Dogwise Publishing,
at is a resource used
for the definitions in our Breed Standards.


Breed Standard Updates

Standards de race actualisés

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