Many accountable breeders use sires and dams from outside of Canada to help strengthen and improve the genetic diversity in their breed. Find out if your breeder used a dam or sire from outside of Canada, or if the puppies are being imported to Canada. Also, learn more about Canada’s dog import regulations and CFIA’s role in regulating imports and more.
At a minimum, your puppy should come home with their first set of vaccinations, vet records and a unique identifier such as a microchip.
One of a breeder’s primary goals should be to breed healthy, balanced and sound puppies. One of the ways to achieve this is through health and genetic testing.
Adding a new member to your family can be an exciting and patience-trying experience, but don’t let your anticipation of your new arrival let you forget that not all individuals selling dogs or puppies are accountable, reputable breeders.
When discussing purchasing a puppy from an accountable breeder you should expect a thorough evaluation process.