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Positive Play

Posted Sunday, 9 Feb 2014

Affiché : Sunday, 9 Feb 2014

Brandi Jacques

Here’s how to play interactively, to build your relationship with your dog:
  • Be involved and engaged in playing with your pup. Be exciting. Have fun.
  • Teach your dog to chase a toy that you’re holding and let the puppy playa game of tug (gently) with you.
  • Give the dog a treat to get him to let go. (You can add a command like“Out” or “Drop” or “Let go” once your dog is reliably letting go.)•Once your dog knows “Let go,” withhold the reward until he’s done so.
  • Remember to let your dog win the tug-of-war sometimes so he doesn’t lose interest.
  • Be sure that when your dog lets go, you give the toy back and play again,at least some of the time. He won’t want to release it if he knows you always take it away. Letting go needs to be rewarded frequently.
  • Teach your dog to chase a tossed toy and bring it back for a reward. You may have to have the toy or the dog (or both) on a leash to stop the dog from taking the toy and running off with it.
  • Get your dog to perform some sort of behaviour for you before each toss of the toy. Remember, nothing is free!
  • Remember, you start and end all games. The toy is yours. Your dog gets to play with it (and with you) if he complies with your wishes. 
  • Play physically. Push your dog (gently) away from you, then run in the opposite direction. Reward your dog for chasing you down and catching you.
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