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Foods That Are Dangerous For Dogs

Posted Tuesday, 11 Mar 2014

Affiché : Tuesday, 11 Mar 2014

Reid Finlayson

Dogs are natural scavengers and given half a chance will go for anything that looks and smells even marginally appealing. The garbage, a fruit bowl, an open package of snack foods, left over’s from lunch or dinner are too much temptation for most dogs. The problem is the object of his desire may be food to you, but poison to your pet.

Many foods we love and enjoy everyday can make your dog mildly sick or deathly ill. Here in alphabetical order is a list of many common foods that are dangerous for dogs.

Alcohol (Beer, Wine, Spirits)

Has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain that it has on humans with an even greater risk of illness.


Contain persin, a substance that can damage heart, lung and other tissue.

Baby Food

May contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs.


Cooked bones can splinter, get caught in the throat or cause a rupture or puncture of the stomach lining or intestinal tract.

Bread Dough

Once ingested the dough will rise, causing discomfort. Alcohol is produced as the dough expands.


Includes coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, colas, and stimulant drinks such as Red Bull. In large enough quantities can be fatal for a dog.

Candy and Gum

Many types contain Xylitol, which can cause blood sugar to drop and liver failure.


All types contain a toxic agent known as theobromine. Dark chocolate, chocolate mulch, and unsweetened baking chocolate are most dangerous.

Corn Cobs

Can cause a partial or complete intestinal obstruction.

Dairy Products

Milk and milk-based products may cause digestive upset as well as set up food allergies.

Eggs (Uncooked)

Can deplete your dog of biotin, which is essential to growth and coat health. Additionally, may be contaminated with bacteria, such as salmonella.

Fish (Uncooked)

May be contaminated with bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Salmon, trout, shad, or sturgeon can contain a parasite that causes "fish disease" or "salmon poisoning disease”, which can be fatal.


Can destroy red blood cells, leading to anemia. Includes powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated.

Grapes and Raisins

Toxic when consumed in large quantities. Can cause kidney failure.

Macadamia nuts

Contain a toxin, which can cause tremors and paralysis.

Moldy Foods

Some types can produce a toxin, which may cause serious illnesses.


In large quantities is a hallucinogenic and can cause tremors and seizures.


Like garlic, can destroy red blood cells, leading to anemia. Includes powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated.

Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums

Seeds from persimmons can cause inflammation of the small intestine. Peach and plum pits may cause intestinal obstruction and contain cyanide, which is poisonous.


Iodized salt and salty foods can cause stomach ailments and pancreatitis.

Tomatoes and Tomato Plants

Contain atropine, (especially leaves and stems) which can cause dilated pupils, tremors and irregular heartbeat.
"What not to share with a four-legged friends"
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