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Schedule a visit with the breeder and puppies before you purchase your puppy

Posted Friday, 24 Jul 2020

Affiché : Friday, 24 Jul 2020

Choosing a Dog > Finding an Accountable Breeder > Schedule a visit with the breeder and puppies before you purchase your puppy
An accountable breeder welcomes prospective puppy owners to visit them and their kennels, and will want to get to know you, your family, and your lifestyle. Don’t be surprised though if your first occurs outside of the breeder’s home/kennel. Due to health and safety concerns, some breeders may choose to get to know you better in a neutral location like a park or coffee shop before they invite you into their home. If you live far away, they may even arrange to have a puppy buyer alumnus in your area meet you so that you can get to know the breeder and the dogs they produce.
If you are invited to the breeder’s home or kennel facilities to meet their dogs and age permitting, their puppies, your visit may occur once puppies are born or often months before. Many breeders do not allow visitors for a period of time after puppies are born so don’t expect to meet newborn puppies—they need enough time for their immune systems to develop before receiving visitors. After the waiting period, you’ll be able to meet the puppies and their mom, who should play a major role in rearing her puppies until their new families take over. The puppies’ father won’t always be available for the visit as breeders quite often breed to stud dogs owned by other breeders, so don’t be too disappointed if he isn’t.
Whether in the breeder’s home or in a kennel, the space should be clean with adequate room for the dogs, puppies and people. Dogs should appear healthy and well-cared for and not exhibit signs of fear or aggression. 
AccueilHome > Articles > Choosing a Dog > Finding an Accountable Breeder > Schedule a visit with the breeder and puppies before you purchase your puppy