Rules of Eligibility Referendum Update
Rules of Eligibility (ROE) are required in accordance with the Animal Pedigree Act for all purebred animals. ROE are meant to establish broad and key traits for each breed to be used for registration considerations only and should not be confused with the much more extensive breed standards which describes a “standard of perfection” for the show ring.
Since the Ministry of Agriculture first approved an amendment to the By-laws in 2012 allowing CKC to move forward with establishing ROE for the 175 breeds currently recognized, CKC worked to establish ROE for a limited number of breeds as a pilot project. After a successful consultation with the CKC membership as part of the 2014 Special Referendum, approval was received from the Ministry of Agriculture in 2015, and as a result ROE have now been established for the following breeds:
Having now satisfied the requirements of the Animal Pedigree Act respecting the establishment of ROE, last year CKC was able to move forward with the recognition of new breeds along with ROE for these breeds. After successful consultation with the CKC membership as part of the 2016 Special Referendum, CKC made an application to the Ministry of Agriculture in January 2017 to amend our Articles of Incorporation and Section 24.1 RECOGNIZED BREEDS of the CKC By-laws to include new breeds along with ROE.
At the time the ballots for the 2017 Special Referendum are being created, we are awaiting Ministerial approval for the 2016 Special Referendum.
Earlier this year, after yet another successful consultation with breeders and those persons with long-term involvement with the various breeds, the Board of Directors ordered that a Special Referendum be conducted in 2017 seeking the approval of the membership to include even more ROE in an addendum to the By-laws known as the “Breed Specific Rules of Eligibility”.
CKC would like to confirm the following:
- Puppies will not be individually “evaluated”.
- Breeders will confirm on their litter application that the sire and dam are verified parents and meet the Rules of Eligibility.
- An “incorrect ear set” would not result in disqualifying a breeder as a CKC member.
- The requirements to establish ROE are not a decision of CKC staff or the Board of Directors.
For additional information, please review our
Frequently Asked Questions. If you have further questions or concerns, please send an email to
[email protected].