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Zone 1 - Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotia


Lendra Barker

I am pleased to re-offer for the position of Director for Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador.
During the last three years I have served the membership on the following Committees/Councils: Chair of the Herding Council; member of the Legislative Committee; member of the Board Orientation and Education Committee; and member of the CKC Foundation.
I have attended many CKC events in an effort to meet our members and learn about the various sports under the CKC banner, such as obedience, field events for Beagles, Spaniels, Pointers and Retrievers, herding , agility, tracking and drafting tests. I have attended all the Board Meetings and regularly update members on what is happening at the CKC through my CKC Facebook page and email lists.
I have owned and exhibited Doberman Pinschers since 1979 and bred on a limited basis under the “Edelmar” prefix. We currently share our home with two Dobermans Pinschers. I am a CKC Life member. I am the President and Show Chair of the Dartmouth Kennel Club. I am a member of the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada (served two terms as President) and the Doberman Pinscher Club of America.
I am retired and have the time to commit to being your Director.
Contact me at [email protected].


Ted Doane

Ted resides in Halifax, NS, with his family, including two field-bred English Springer Spaniels. He actively competes in, and judges, local field-trial events. Ted is Director of the Scotia Springer Club, and a member of the Prince Edward Interprovincial Springer Spaniel Club. Ted is a current member of the CKC’s Audit Committee, and is well versed with CKC’s activities, initiatives and financial operations.
Ted is currently employed with the Province of Nova Scotia. He is a graduate of Acadia University, earning his Chartered Accounting (CA) designation with a national accounting firm. Ted was granted his fellowship (FCPA, FCA) designation in 2013 for his meritorious service to the profession. He has actively supported professional associations, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia, where he is a past President.
Ted served on the Steering Committee to unify the accounting profession as Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA), and on the executive, boards and committees of many not-for-profit organizations. Ted has authored many articles and presented at conferences across Canada.
Ted and his wife Marion are passionate about their dogs, and spend their available time exercising, training and photographing spaniels.
Contact Ted at [email protected].



Zone 2 - Prince Edward Island/New Brunswick


Paul Oslach

My interest with purebred dogs began over 39 years ago when I bought my first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I have bred dogs and shown in conformation and obedience. Beyond showing, my other roles in the dog fancy included CKC Director, past-president and other executive positions for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada, the Centennial Dog Obedience Club and the president of Trafalgar Dog Sport. I have worked actively to support the clubs and exhibitors in the purebred dog fancy for 12+ years as an obedience representative and my two years on the Board for the CKC. As a life member of the CKC, I am committed to doing all I can to develop and promote a strong purebred dog community in New Brunswick and PEI.
Contact me at [email protected]

Zone 3 - Quebec


Linda St-Hilaire

I am running for a seat on the Canadian Kennel Club Board of Directors as your representative for a second term. 
I have been on the CKC Board since 2015 and previously a member of the CKC’s Event Officiating Committee.
I am a registered mutual funds representative and a financial planner and currently a compliance officer at the head office of a large Canadian mutual fund dealer.
I have been involved in the dog show world since 1975 and with Société Canine de Québec of which I am currently the show director and ex-President. Instructor of show handling and pet training, I also offer conformation show and ring steward workshops. I have shown dogs of all groups in events in five provinces, several USA states and Crufts. I still volunteer at various jobs in show, rally and obedience with various clubs. I am now a conformation judge for the Sporting Group and on permit for half of the Working Group.
I wish to keep on representing the interests of the members of Quebec involved in all events. With over 40 years of experience in the dog world I have the knowledge to promote your interests and those of the purebred dogs.

Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 4 - Ontario North


Richard Paquette

Over the past 45 years I have served on the Board of Directors of the CKC, National Breed Clubs and All Breed Kennel and Obedience Clubs. I have travelled extensively throughout all parts of our vast zone gaining valuable experience which qualifies me to understand the problems faced by the breeder, exhibitor and event sponsoring club, and to provide realistic policies and solutions to the challenges facing our members.
As a former CKC Director, I have been a strong voice for Ontario North and will continue to act as an ombudsman with the CKC for members and all clubs.
Some of the problems of declining interest in purebred dogs and our activities, caused by tough economic times and competition from other leisure activities, need to be addressed if our sport is to continue to thrive. I look forward to working on these important challenges in the future.
I promise to continue to devote the energy and hard work necessary to be successful in my position as Director. The experience and respect I have gained throughout the years will be put to good use in my commitment to the betterment of our members, breeders, exhibitors, clubs, purebred dogs and the CKC.
Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 5 - Ontario East


Thomas Nesbitt

Career Profile: Religious Studies Graduate, McGill University (1973) and ordained priest in 1974. Founding member and first National Executive Director of Epilepsy Canada; Executive Director of Quebec Branch of the Kidney Foundation of Canada where I helped design and implement the first organ retrieval donor program in Canada; Executive Director of Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind; Founding member and first Executive Director of the Sisters of Charity Foundation (Ottawa).
Began my involvement with dogs in obedience (Lakeshore Dog Training), then transitioned to conformation. Actively involved in breeding, exhibiting under Prelude Perm. Reg’d. Was an organizing committee member of Friends of Canadian Guide Dogs Conformation/Obedience Club and have been an all-breed judge since 2007. Life Member of CKC.
Have worked with volunteer boards and committees throughout my career, structuring and organizing activities including fundraising, public relations, short- and long-term strategic planning and liaised with federal and provincial funding bodies. Interacted with foreign ambassadors who lent their support to the goals of my organizations.
It would be an honour and a privilege to represent Zone 5 of Eastern Ontario and share my passion for the sport of purebred dogs as a member of the CKC Board.
Contact me at [email protected].

Robert J. Whitney

Mr. Whitney’s past experience includes nine years serving as a Director of the Canadian Kennel Club, which included six years as Chairman of the Board.
He originally owned and showed Afghan Hounds and is now a breeder/owner/handler of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. In 1989 he retired as an all-breed Professional Handler and has had business experience as an administrator in accounting for a large Retail Pharmaceutical Company.
Presently Mr. Whitney serves as Chair of the CKC Events Officiating Committee, is a member of the Discipline Committee, is a member of the Conformation Council and is a CKC Conformation Representative.
Mr. Whitney has had vast experience with various clubs and presently is an executive member of three all-breed clubs and a member of two breed clubs.
As an all-breed judge for the last 27 years he has had the pleasure of  judging all-breed and specialty shows in numerous countries around the world, including Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Bermuda, South America, Scandinavia and the United States of America.
As a lifetime member of the CKC, Mr. Whitney feels he has the experience and capability to represent the members in Ontario East and asks for your support in the upcoming election.
Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 6 - Ontario West


Dr. Paul Eckford

During my contributions to the Genetics and Medical Committee, and many other committees/councils as Zone 6 Director this year, I have enjoyed meeting, emailing and assisting our members. I’m a breeder of Pomeranians for eight years, and have been active in conformation showing. While conformation is vital to the CKC, our members are involved in a broad array of activities and events that must be supported for a healthy CKC.  I believe through a recent innovative solution I brought to Obedience, advancing a Therapy Dog Program that was in the early stages of discussion, and a new Scent Detection event, I have shown that we can create new solutions to the issues currently facing the CKC.  The multibillion dollar pet industry is growing, yet the CKC has suffered years of decline.  We have finally turned a corner.  While respecting current traditions, we need to engage a younger generation and embrace appealing new events and activities to keep the CKC and the clubs viable. 
My focus for the upcoming term will be centred on sustained future growth while supporting Zone 6 members and helping the CKC to better serve all members.  Please contact me with YOUR ideas on improving the CKC, and how we can maintain our momentum. 
Contact me at [email protected].

C.E. (Ted) Fahlgren

A CKC Life Member, my wife and I have bred and exhibited purebred dogs for over 35 years. Primarily breeding Lhasa Apsos, we have also bred Dalmatians and Miniature Poodles. We are the breeders/owners/exhibitors of the only Lhasa Apso to hold the title of Grand Champion Excellent.
I have held executive positions in all-breed clubs, a national breed club, a provincial breed club and a provincial group club. Licensed to judge Groups 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, I am presently seeking to add Group 3 to my judging profile. In addition to serving on the Conformation Council for 10 years, I have served on special committees addressing CKC matters of concern and have made numerous presentations to the CKC Board on various topics.
If elected, I pledge to treat ALL clubs equally and assist every club and member in the zone to address any problems they may have. I will work with all disciplines to improve and enhance their events and with all CKC projects to see they produce the maximum benefit for the membership. To ensure I can address CKC problems, I will accept only two judging assignments in Southern Ontario and one assignment in any other zone in any calendar year.
Contact me at [email protected]


Linda Philp

I have bred and shown Siberian Huskies and Yorkshire Terriers under the Kabu name since 1981. I have been a CKC member since 1984 and am now a life member. Being involved in my breed clubs throughout the years has given me insight. The next phase of my time with purebred dogsport needs to be spent helping to shape the future by being accessible and helpful to members. I am excited to offer my time and experience in purebred dogs to the Canadian Kennel Club to help inspire the next generation of purebred dog owners and breeders.
Contact me at [email protected].


Zone 7 - Ontario Central


Irene Latchford

Hello to all Canadian Kennel Club members of Zone 7. I am seeking your support as I run for Zone 7 Director.
I have been a member of The Canadian Kennel Club since 1992 and have been active in the sport of dogs with my Shetland Sheepdogs under the prefix of Nitelatches Perm Reg’d.
For several years, I served as the Juniors Representative for Zone 7. I have served on the executive of all-breed clubs as well as a specialty club.
If elected, I promise to work hard as a Board Member on your behalf. I will be visible, approachable, accessible and committed to the position.

Let’s make some changes TOGETHER!
Contact me at [email protected].


Peter Laventhall-Wolfish

Personal Profile: Fourth-generation dog person continuing a family and personal passion. Lifetime involvement with dogs; breeding, exhibiting Miniature and Standard Poodles, and Whippet. CKC life-member, enjoy participating within the dog community, exhibiting, stewarding, judging. Privileged to serve on the Board representing Zone 7, the interests of all member and dogs in Canada.
Committee, Council Activities: IT4YOU (new computer system) Committee Chair; Strategic Planning Committee ChairBreed Standards Council Board Liaison; Tracking Council Board Liaison; and Cropping and Docking Committee Member.
Professional Profile: Business Professional, with extensive sales, marketing, business management experience, strong foundation of proven technical, analytical skills. Expertise in strategic planning, execution, business development, customer relationship management. Proven ability to identify, understand, solve business challenges, deliver stakeholder value, achieve strategic business objectives. Highly organized, systematic, well-honed interpersonal skills, team-oriented management style, excellent oral and written communications.
Experience: 30+years CKC membership: Lifetime involvement with pedigree dogs. Breeding under my own kennel name since 1983. 20+years Business & Entrepreneurship: Masters Degree, Business Administration, Ivey Business School – London, Ontario. 15+years Technology: Bachelors Degree, Electrical Engineering, Ryerson University – Toronto, Ontario.
Objectives: Complete IT4YOU project: redefining members’ experience, providing on-line access to registrations, breeding and event records. Provide Strategic Leadership: strengthen the CKC; grow membership and participation. Enhance CKC’s profile in Canada and internationally.
Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 8 - Manitoba


Larry Kereluke

A life member of the Canadian Kennel Club, I am involved with several clubs and associations.

I have served on several committees for the CKC, including the internal Discipline Committee. This past term, I served as Chairman of the Legislation Committee, Chairman of the Conformation Council and as a member of the Executive Director Review Committee.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Manitoba membership for the past three years and look forward to representing the members for the next term.

Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 9 - Saskatchewan


David Gilmour

Late in 1987, my wife and I welcomed a male Boxer puppy into our home. The following year, we joined the Canadian Kennel Club and I put a championship on our puppy. So began my involvement in the world of purebred dogs.
Since then, I have: taught puppy classes; participated in obedience trials and conformation shows; taken tracking lessons; joined the Boxer Club of Canada (life member and current President); joined the American Boxer Club; joined the Prairie Canine Academy (current vice president); performed Show Superintendent duties for the Prairie Canine Academy; and performed duties as ring steward for various clubs in Western Canada and Ontario. I am currently the Saskatchewan Director for the  Canadian Kennel Club.
My wife and I have been breeding Boxers under the Zaracon prefix since 1991. Our Boxers have participated in and obtained titles / certificates in obedience; agility; herding; lure coursing; and conformation in Canada and the States, including wins / awards at national and regional specialties.
I am undergoing the process for dog show judging in Canada. I am licensed for the Working Group and am awaiting CKC confirmation of my Sporting Group license. I have also applied for the first half of the Hound Group.
Contact me at [email protected].


Zone 10 - Alberta/NWT/Nunavut


Sharon Derrick

Becoming involved in the world of purebred dogs seemed like an easy transition for me as I grew up in a household with Irish Setters, Bulldogs, Schipperkes and American Cockers. Upon graduation from St. Michaels School of nursing I acquired my first Toy Poodle.
In 1965 I joined the Canadian Kennel Club, hence a membership of 50+ continuous years. During that time I served on the Conformation Council for two different terms, Conformation Show Representative for 25+ years and Member of Registration Committee for over 18 years. The last last years I have been Zone 10 Director for Alberta, NWT and Nunavut.
I am a member of several all-breed and specialty clubs, serving on Executive Boards in all conformation show positions. I am a breeder/exhibitor of Best in Show and Best in Specialty Irish Setters and English Cocker Spaniels. Along with that I am an international judge licensed by the CKC.
During my tenure on the Board I have served as Chair of the Pointing Breeds Council and Retriever Field Trials Council.
With a proven record of commitment and dedication to the dog fancy, I am asking for your vote to continue representing you, the members, in all disciplines in Zone 10.
Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 11 - BC Southwest


Joan E. Bennett

I became involved in purebred dogs in 1965, following graduation from UBC, and am a CKC Life Member. Professionally, I am retired after 30+ years as a senior Legal Assistant.
I spent two terms on the Board in the 1990s. During these terms, I served as Chair of the Bylaw (Legislation), Club Relations and Versatility committees; Chair of the Conformation Council; and a member of the Event Officiating and CEO Review Committees.
Subsequently, I have served two more terms, from 2012 to the present. During this time, I was Chair, Board Orientation/Education Committee and Junior Handling Council; Board Liaison to Event Officiating Committee; and a member of the Legislation, Club Relations, Cropping, Docking and Dewclaw Committees, and Task Force dealing with Provincial Government legislation on canine matters.
Over the years I have held numerous executive positions in all-breed and specialty clubs, and have acted as show secretary, show superintendent and ring steward at multiple events, all of which have shown me the ever-changing issues faced by both clubs and exhibitors.
In the non-canine world, I am a member and Treasurer of a strata council, a position I have held since 2003.
With my background and experience, I hope I have the support of Zone 11 members to continue representing them at the Board table.

Contact me at [email protected]


Zone 12 - BC Interior & Yukon


Lynne Bruce

I recently retired from a successful career with a multi-national company. Now that I have more free time, I would like to be able to contribute in a meaningful way to the sport that has been my lifelong passion, by letting my name stand for Director for BC Interior and Yukon. I believe the skill set and experience I have gained throughout my career, and especially in my last role as Regional Business Development Manager for Western Canada, Yukon and the Arctic, will be transferable to this position. I hold degrees in both science and economics.
I have served as a member of the CKC Lure Coursing Council for a term. I have organized specialty conformation and lure coursing trials whilst on the executive of the Interior Gazehound Club. I am an accredited mentor of Scottish Deerhounds for the Scottish Deerhound Club of America.

I am a third-generation dog enthusiast and growing up in Scotland, we always had several working German Shepherds. I have bred Scottish Deerhounds under the prefix “Hollyrood” for over 40 years and I have 17 generations on the ground. My homebred hounds have won many specialties and all-breed Best in Shows.

Contact me at [email protected].