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Robust, intelligent and agile

In this edition of "The Dish", we meet the Appenzeller Sennenhund. A breed that has recently joined the Herding Group as a Listed Breed.
Appenzeller Sennenhund, breeder, Canada, Feel Good, Herding Group, Ian Lynch, interview, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, training Appenzeller Sennenhund, breeder, Canada, Feel Good, Herding Group, Ian Lynch, interview, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, training
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Did you know that all dogs can compete in CKC sanctioned events like Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, and Chase Ability?

With over 3000 CKC sanctioned events held across Canada in an average year, there are literally thousands of opportunities for you to enjoy great fun with your canine companion and meet other dog lovers!
agility, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Herding, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, obedience, Registration, Scent Detection, sprinter, Tips, training agility, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Herding, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, obedience, Registration, Scent Detection, sprinter, Tips, training
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The Puppy Blues
April 14, 2021
"The Puppy Blues"

Everyone compliments your puppy, and you know they are great, so why do you feel so overwhelmed, anxious, regretful, or down? It's likely something we call the “Puppy Blues". The condition is usually temporary and you can read more about it in this blog.
Canada, How to, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training Canada, How to, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training
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An upsetting condition in dogs that could occur when restrictions are lifted 

As restrictions begin to loosen, a big concern is how our dogs will react to being left alone once we go back to work. This blog focuses on a common and upsetting condition - separation anxiety.
Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training
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This common practice is actually an incredibly dangerous behaviour to allow while travelling 

There are so many things I love about dogs and “dog people”. Too many to list. On the other hand, I also have some pet peeves when it comes to the behaviours of dog owners. Allowing nails to overgrow, incorrect use of a retractable leash, and not picking up after their dogs, are just a few. Today I was reminded of one that is so common you probably see it every single day in nice weather: allowing a dog to ride with its head out of a car window.


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Nervous Around Children
September 24, 2020


My process of getting my dog comfortable around kids

Today, my partner sent me a video via text of my eighteen month old Dandie Dinmont Terrier in a nearby park playing happily with 3 children. The video was adorable and all parties seemed thrilled to be out in the sun together. Adorable videos like those are very special to me as my little Leroy wasn’t always comfortable around children.

Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, training Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, training
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85NEgAqFRarYkjj45BF5_iStock-146715466.jpgExposing your puppy to new situations amid this pandemic

I got a new puppy! We are registered for gifts at Ren’s Pets. Just kidding (I wish though). I bought my Doberman pup in early May. She was born at the end of February and thus is a total “COVID Puppy”. It’s a term. Trust me.

Although the world got flipped upside down this spring, the anticipation and the excitement of seeing litter pics as well as chatting with her wonderful breeder and finally going to pick up our puppy really got us through a challenging time.
FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training
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8EUFoIGiSnCqheJ3h7xQ_iStock-1073967370.jpgSome tips and advice for puppy buyers in the midst of the pandemic

I must say this is a blog I never imagined myself writing, but here we are. While our brave health care workers continue to fight the COVID-19 outbreak, puppy buyers are faced with many challenges this spring. Here are some tips and things to consider when buying a puppy during this difficult time.
breeder, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training breeder, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training
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Bo7OngWeQR6i9i9QPNC4_iStock-950847200.jpgThere’s lots for dog lovers to do at home!

As COVID-19 continues to spread and thousands of Canadians are self-isolating, as well as social distancing, it’s hard not to panic. While we are all a bit anxious during these unprecedented times, the fact that many of us won’t be leaving for work for a while is nothing but good news for our dogs. 
Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips, training Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips, training
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Angus-searching_CRop.jpgWe are all aware of the remarkable power of a dog’s nose, especially when our own dogs come running from a different area of the house to beg for food. But did you know a dog’s nose can detect bacteria? A recent article showcasing a Springer Spaniel named Angus demonstrates just how powerful a dog’s nose can be.
Canada, CKC member, Detection, Feel Good, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial Canada, CKC member, Detection, Feel Good, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial
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Big City Dogs
November 07, 2019
pq1zpk7cQ7GUSU05wzop_iStock-488384172-1.jpgOwning a dog in a city apartment takes dedication, routine and a good pair of shoes.

I live downtown Toronto with my Standard Poodle and my Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Throughout the years of condo living in the big city with dogs, I’ve learned how to live in a tight space while still taking care of all my dogs’ needs.  Here are some tips and tricks I have learned while owning dogs in a big city apartment. If you are a dedicated owner, you too can give your dog a great life in the big city.
Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, safety, Tips, training Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, safety, Tips, training
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Dogs and Skateboards
September 13, 2019
X8IOutbdTui6nljm4TLP_iStock-1061822610.jpgI personally have never had a dog who reacts towards skateboards. However, many of my friends have had this issue with their dogs and since I live in downtown Toronto, a day does not go by in the spring, summer and fall where I don’t see a dog freak out as a skateboard rolls by. Dogs being reactive to skateboards is common since skateboards seem to pop out everywhere there is pavement.

While some dogs see a skateboard and react with their prey drive, others react in fear. A number of factors make dogs anxious towards skateboards.
Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training
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VA39vDjJT6kUxGXtbRqG_iStock-474841900.jpgCareful consideration, trust and intuition is needed when hiring this member of your dog’s care team. 

Benefits of a Dog Walker
Many of us lead busy lives and work outside the home. It’s not unusual for a dog owner to be away from the home for 10 hours a day. I personally don’t think it is fair to leave a dog to be home alone for that amount of time, so for me, and countless urban dog owners, a dog walker is an important part of our pet’s care team. A dog walker is an individual you are giving a key to your home and leaving your dog’s care in the hands of. Needless to say, this is not a position you fill on a whim!
Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, puppy, safety, Summer, Tips, training Canada, How to, Ian Lynch, puppy, safety, Summer, Tips, training
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yMDSDDaMSg6vhx8GlkDk_MeashaLeroyJune2019.jpgA new addition requires careful planning, consideration and supervision.

I bought a new puppy this spring! Feel free to send gifts to the CKC head office and they will forward them over to me (just kidding). I had been planning on getting a second dog for years.  I’m the kind of person who really looks before he leaps, sometimes this is a good quality to have, and at other times it’s exhausting. 
CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips, training
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Some tips and tricks for training and hosting a scent detection trial.

The CKC’s inaugural scent detection trial was a great success! Hosted by the North Gower Dog Club on Sunday, March 17, 2019, 71 runs were held with 11 Scent Detection Instinct (SDIN) and three Scent Detection Novice (SDN) titles awarded – Siberian Husky ‘Achilles,’ owned by Maryrose McIntyre; German Shepherd ‘Ryder,’ owned by Francoise Adam; and Pembroke Welsh Corgi ‘Miller,’ owned by Sandra Hebert.
Canada, Feel Good, How to, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial Canada, Feel Good, How to, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial
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Victor-winning-the-race.jpgRecently I was eating breakfast with a colleague from work.  Of course, as many of our conversations go, we began to chat about our dogs.  Both of her dogs are mixed breeds and beautiful pets.  Nonetheless, she has always expressed an interest in my tales of dog showing.  I was telling her how Victor and I have been preparing for Obedience trials. I shared with her how proud I was the other morning when he mastered the hand signal for down ... 
CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, obedience, training CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, obedience, training
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9-TRD-topdogs3.jpegIn addition to the Top Dogs that excel in their chosen disciplines, every year there are a few dogs who lead the pack in not one, but two sports. For these dogs, the Top Dogs Category Multi-Discipline was created. Multi-Discipline Top Dogs celebrates the versatility of dogs by recognizing teams who have earned Top Dog status in two or more disciplines at the breed, group or all breeds level.
CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, Tips, training CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, Tips, training
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Pointing-Amateur-Shooting-Dog-2-3.JPGField events are some of the oldest of dog sports. Designed around the important roles dogs have performed with humans for centuries, field events mirror the tasks many dogs were originally bred to perform. From signaling the presence of game, retrieving it, or chasing and catching it, we find the origins of many of today’s dog sports from field trials to lure coursing.
CKC Top Dogs, Field Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Tips, training CKC Top Dogs, Field Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Tips, training
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Not many people can claim to have the #1 dog in the country in rally once, let alone twice. Charlie MacMillan, owner/handler/trainer of Ace the #1 Rally Dog for 2018 can lay claim to this title a staggering five times!

Since the start of Rally in CKC, Charlie has been featured in the Top Rally Dogs Top 10 list every single year. He held the #1 spot four times with his dog Fly’R, and this year claimed the #1 spot with his current dog Ace for the young dog’s first time ... 
CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, training CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, training
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We caught up with Lee of the amazing Lee and Scooter team while they were down in Florida enjoying a well-earned vacation. They have claimed the #1 Obedience Top Dogs spot for two years in a row, and Lee graciously expanded on her Top Dogs interview, offering some wonderful insight into the world of Obedience training and her work with Scooter. 
CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training
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Puppy Nipping
September 13, 2018
Cavalier-nipping.jpgBite inhibition is a crucial skill that a puppy must develop if he is to live peacefully with his human and dog family. Bite inhibition is the dog’s ability to moderate the force of his bite. While dogs often use their mouths in play, they must learn when they are using too much force. This needs to become a reflex and is best ingrained in puppyhood. 
The dam of the litter aka your puppy’s Mom, along with his littermates are without a doubt the best creatures to begin teaching your puppy how to control his mouth. This is a reason why you shouldn’t take a puppy away from his mother and litter before 8 weeks of age.
During his time with his mom and siblings, when an excited pup bites Mom too hard during a play session, Mom will give a yelp loud enough to startle him. If he bites hard again, Mom might growl and show teeth. She also might bite back. She certainly won’t continue playing with a pup who bites too hard. 
nipping, puppies, training nipping, puppies, training
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Creating Crate Success!
August 29, 2018
IMAGE1.jpgYou’ve probably heard from other dog owners that crate training is incredibly helpful in housebreaking a puppy and you’ve definitely seen dogs at shows and trials in crates - but why should you crate train your dog? For one, it’s very natural. Crate training takes advantage of your dog's natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is their home—a place to sleep, hide from danger and raise a family. If introduced properly, the crate will become your dog's den, where they can find comfort and solitude while you know they’re safe and secure. Crate training can save your furniture, your floors and even your dog’s life.

If you are lucky enough to have gotten your puppy from a breeder who started the crate training process before she sent her puppies to their forever homes, you will be ahead of the game. But for the purpose of this blog, I will start with the assumption that your puppy has had no previous crate experience.
Ian Lynch, Puppy, tips, training Ian Lynch, Puppy, tips, training
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