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Westminster Wrap Up 2022
July 05, 2022

This year, again and unfortunately, the Westminster Kennel Club could not go ahead with its regularly scheduled winter event with Breed showing at the Piers and Group judging at Madison Square Garden. As the pandemic entered the Omicron variant stage, the date along with the venue changed, and the event was again held in Tarrytown, New York. 

This edition of "The Dish" covers our Canadian-born Best of Breed and Group Winning dogs! Go Canada, go! 
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Westminster Best in Show, Best of Breed, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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Morris & Essex
October 25, 2021

There are certain events in the dog show world that are not to be missed and Morris & Essex Kennel Club Dog Show is definitely one!

Held only once every five years, the Morris & Essex Kennel Club brings back the legacy of Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge's glamourous dog show, originally held from 1927 through 1957. This year’s show was postponed from 202 due to the pandemic and was held on October 6, 2021, at Colonial Park in Somerset, New Jersey.
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canadian, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Ian Lynch Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canadian, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Ian Lynch
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Congratulations to our Canadian Best of Breed and Group Placing dogs! Go Canada Go!

Although the date and venue were different this year, one thing remained the same - Canadian Dogs wowed at Westminster! 
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC member, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC member, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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hjG4UoKTuiW4oaMMCYRi_11-16-19-Gaiting-at-National-Dog-Show-Havanese7-copy.jpgA conversation with a great Canadian.

If you don’t know who Taffe McFadden is, chances are, you know her dogs. Taffe is one of America’s premier professional handlers seen at all the major televised dog shows including the AKC National Dogs Show, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show as well as hundreds of shows in between.
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Conformation, Ian Lynch Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Conformation, Ian Lynch
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Westminster Wrap Up 2020
February 20, 2020
CA7MbP7iRTq7mPmPVKPh_Heidi-Garden-2.jpgCongratulations to our fantastic Canadian-bred dogs who wowed at Westminster!

Westminster week 2020 has come and gone. Whenever I arrive in Manhattan for my favourite event of the year, I always believe I have so much time, but the show comes and goes in a snap. Especially this year.
Best in Show, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, Canadian Breed, CKC member, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Conformation Judge, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster Best in Show, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, Canadian Breed, CKC member, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Conformation Judge, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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thumbnail_Tull-20NLCC-202019.jpgThe weekend of October 26 & 27, 2019 saw Canadian Whippets, Greyhounds, Azawahks and Ibizans head to Muncie, Indiana for the 34th American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) International Invitational.  This event is considered by some enthusiasts to be the premier lure coursing event across all of North America.  
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Canada, CKC member, sprinter Best in Show, Best of Breed, Canada, CKC member, sprinter
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How to attend Westminster
January 24, 2020
Unknown-2-1.jpegMake the most of WKC as a spectator!

As a child, I watched the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show every year with my father. I used to tell my dad while watching the competition that one day I would be there. The first year I attended was the 140th annual show and Canadian Dr. Richard Meen was the Best in Show judge which was so special, ... 
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Westminster Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Westminster
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Planting Seeds
December 05, 2019
xcvUoCzKRTK3TaGRCAWP_3-of-the-4-winners.jpgThe Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada hosted a unique event designed to make lasting memories for Junior Handlers
In my blog last week, I was listing activities and events that we, the owners of rare dog breeds, can do to promote our breeds. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada consists of a dedicated bunch who come together several times throughout the year to get their breed known. Recently, at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, the group made lasting memories for a group of young dog enthusiasts. 
Best of Breed, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling Best of Breed, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling
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Lloyd-2-1.jpgEvery year, CKC holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a different city, making it easier for local members, in addition to Staff and Board Members, to attend this annual event. It also provides CKC with the wonderful opportunity to recognize some of the local members that have contributed to CKC and the purebred dog community.

As CKC owes its existence and continued success to the vision, hard work and dedication of its members, the tradition of celebrating local members began at the 2016 AGM in Quebec City.  It has continued through to this year’s AGM on June 1 in Winnipeg,  where CKC recognized some remarkable Manitoba members. 
agility, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge agility, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge
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viyBRD3VTqGaQmpzGsKf_951784846.jpgA few tips on attending your first Dog Show!

Even if you have watched “Best in Show” in its entirety, it’s tough for a first-time spectator to prepare themselves for an all-breed dog show. Between the dogs being groomed on tables, dogs being brought out to exercise, loudspeakers, numbers called out, vendors chatting and dogs of all sizes walking in all directions, it can be confusing for the new comer. Not to mention that the “ring” where your favourite breed is being judged is actually a rectangle.

agility, Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips agility, Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips
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Dog Shows 101
May 16, 2019
uPia1nhIRe2xPQ0nQ7c3_IMG_0272.jpgDog shows are enjoyable and educational, but many find the process of how the eliminations work quite confusing. This blog will explain how a dog show works, from the classes to Best in Show.


Conformation dog shows have a rich history dating back to the Victorian era in Britain, where they became a phenomenon that spread around the world. We have had dog shows celebrating purposefully bred dogs here in North America since the late 19th century. 
Photo by: Clint Ellery
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, breeder, Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, judging, world dog show Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, breeder, Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, judging, world dog show
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