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If you are aged 4 to 17 and love dogs, Junior Handling could be the sport for you - the dog sport, that is!

The CKC Junior Handling program offers Obedience and Conformation competitions just for children and youth. You can learn all about dogs - how to care for, groom, train and compete with your four-legged partner. You could meet all 187 recognized dog breeds as you head to different dog events in your area and discover what makes each breed special. 

After you have mastered your handling skills in Junior Handling, you'll have the foundation you need to excel in other CKC events! There are 17 different types of events to discover!

Don't have a dog of your own? Junior Handling is the perfect way to develop the skills you need to take the best care of your future best friend. Many of our top Juniors in the country started out by borrowing dogs from local CKC members before they had a dog of their own. Check out New to Juniors for what to do if you don't own a dog ... yet!

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